"He went out of his way to teach me the ins and outs of the real estate investment world...He offered me a full-time position at the end of the program."
I heard about Jinternship from my friend who took part in the program while in Jerusalem. I was skeptical at first, but with his recommendation, I took a leap of faith and am very glad that I did. Our Jewish learning program was stimulating and enlightening. The combination of guest speakers and private instruction delivered the lessons of Torah in a way that really appealed to me. I walked away with a deeper connection to Judaism. On the other side of the program, I interned for the Managing Director of a real estate investment firm. He went out of his way to teach me the ins and outs of the real estate investment world and the experience I gained under his wing was invaluable. Fortunately, my boss enjoyed the experience as much as I did and he offered me a full-time position at the end of the program. I gladly accepted and have been working for him ever since. This program is exactly what I was looking for. It gave me the tools to expand my knowledge of Judaism and Jewish learning and provided an internship opportunity that helped me gain experience and further my career. Dan Kashfian University of California, Los Angeles ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My experience with jInternship this summer has been truly enlightening and rewarding. jInternship placed me in a high profile internship at the Washington DC office of U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy. The internship placement was essential to my being able to participate in the program. During the week before my internship and on most weekends throughout, I spent my time with Rabbi Schwartz and Baltimore’s Jewish community. As I enter my final year at Cornell, I think back on the past decade of post-bar-mitzvah exposure to Judaism through after school programs plus three years of Hillel involvement that kept me connected to Judaism, but only barely. This summer with jInternship, plus my ten days at Sinai Retreats in Warrensburg, New York, have given me a spiritual connection to Judaism as a way of life. I am greatly appreciative of everything this program has done for me. I never knew before this summer what it truly meant to feel connected with my Jewish identity. I certainly never understood the beauty of having a spiritual connection until Rabbi Schwartz and the jInternship program showed that to me. I expect that my Jewish learning will continue in the months and years ahead with my MEOR Rabbi and the other great scholars I met this summer. This summer was merely the start of a journey that will span my life. Ryan Norton Cornell University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My decision to take part in the Jinternship program was the best one I've made in recent memory. The trip truly brought together the best of both worlds. At the same time that I was bolstering my resume and learning valuable career skills at internships at congress and Cogent Law Group, I learned the truth of the Torah in classes and chevrusas. I developed extremely close bonds with my housemates as we lived, learned and had a great time together. One thing that stuck with me from this program was the experience of seeing the joy of Judaism come to life every Shabbos. I will forever cherish memories of the hospitality and kindness displayed by our host families in Baltimore. I got a sense of how close-knit the community was and the integrity of their values, discussions of which were thought provoking and inspiring. Seeing these beautiful families reminded me how vital it is to infuse Torah values in my family life and it laid the groundwork for me to be able to do so in the future. Thank you for this incredible program, you have truly changed my life and the lives of my friends that took part. Dan Nahon Northwestern University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JInternship D.C. helped to define my career path and strengthened my connection to Judaism. I interned at the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), where I conducted research on political issues ranging from Islamist terrorism to anti-Semitism in the Middle East. It was through this internship that I broadened my understanding of this complicated region, and I can more clearly define the type of career I want to pursue. I also met Jews from across the country and developed new friendships. The most impactful part of JInternship D.C. was the Jewish learning. JInternship deepened my connection to Judaism, and I gained a newfound sense of confidence and purpose that did not exist earlier in my life. I hope to continue the process of self-discovery and connection to Judaism that I experienced at JInternship D.C. Jared Greenfield Brandeis University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My JInternship experience in Washington, DC was an amazing experience that enabled me to grow on multiple fronts. I’ve always been extremely interested in politics and by interning on The Hill I gained valuable insight on what a career in politics may be like. My office was extremely helpful and made sure I had a valuable experience that I could learn from. My office also exhibited a lot of trust in me by letting me work on things like constituent letters and decision memos for the congressman. I also genuinely enjoyed learning twice a week a Or HaTorah. This was my first exposure to Talmud and it dispelled a lot of misconceptions I had about studying Jewish scripture. My partners were helpful and engaging. I hope to continue my studying of the Talmud when I return to Boston University this school year. I also really enjoyed the Shabbatons in Baltimore. The revealed to me how many people are successful in their professional life while also living as Torah Jews. Overall, I had an amazing experience this summer and would recommend JInternship to anyone. Seth Warsaw Boston University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jinternship Medical program was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I made lifelong friends, learned about my culture, and worked with amazing people. The program director Rabbi Zvi Schwartz organized and provided everyone in the program with a tailored and absolutely amazing internship and awesome study partners at Ner Israel and the various Shuls we visited. On Shabbos we went to the homes of the most welcoming people I ever met and had many great conversations about life, religion, politics, and what it means to be Jewish. I always felt that I had lost out a great deal in my life for not being more connected with my fellow Jewish brothers and this program truly allowed me to experience the community that I was missing. Sam Greenberg Long Island University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I didn't know what to expect from Jinternship. I had originally intended on spending the summer in Israel doing a medical ethics program but when that program failed to come to fruition, I was referred to Jinternship. When I saw that Jinternship had positions for the summer at Johns Hopkins the academic part of me was very excited. But then I saw that there was Jewish learning as part of the curriculum and I was a bit hesitant, but I still couldn't pass up the opportunity to have Hopkins on my resume. I was very pleased with my internship at Hopkins, but it was the Jewish learning that really made my summer. I had the opportunity to meet and talk with so many interesting Jewish community members. At first I really only enjoyed meeting people that were in the medical field, but at some point in the summer that changed and I started to really enjoy everyone. I certainly feel more connected to my Judaism as a result of this summer. I also loved being with a host family and living within a Jewish community. A community that truly exemplifies the meaning of community in every aspect. For quite some time I've been searching for the cohesiveness and camaraderie among a group of people and I definitely found that in Park Heights. Brian Glen Campbell University of North Carolina _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you again for all of your time and effort in organizing such an amazing program. The jInternship Medical program was an amazing opportunity that allowed me to grow both spiritually and professionally as a Jew. Since the moment I arrived to Baltimore, I was welcomed with open arms and felt an immediate connection to the community. People opened their houses to us and while sharing their life experience, enlightened us with teachings of the Torah. It was truly gratifying to meet people from different paths of life and hear how Judaism impacted their professional and family life. The majority of the people that participated in the program didn’t come from a Torah background, so I thought that the program did an exceptional job in maintaining the program’s agenda relevant and motivating to our group. Overall, jInternship was an unforgettable experience that altered my paradigm on the role the Torah plays on a Jew’s professional and spiritual life. Samuel Carbanue University of Florida _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This summer, I have been fortunate enough to participate in the Jinternship Baltimore 2016 and had an incredible and inspiring summer. During this internship I shadowed , a colorectal surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital. At my time there I learned many different medical terminologies, met incredible doctors, and was able to shadow in many different surgeries. My time at Johns Hopkins was inspiring and has reaffirmed my dream to one day become a doctor. Yet, what makes this program unique and different from any other medical internship is that the program helped me grow as a Jew. From twice a week learning sessions, and various shabbatons I learned so much about Judaism. I have grown and learned so much about who I want to be and how I want to raise my future Jewish family. This program also showed me that it is possible to be a Torah Jew and a leader in the community. I cannot thank this program enough for this summer and would highly recommend every Jewish college student apply to Jinternship. Daniel Givner University of Maryland _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I spent 8 weeks in Baltimore this summer in the Jinternship Medical program. The program was amazing and I really enjoyed the whole thing. I loved spending time with the Jewish community and learning more about the culture. Rabbi Schwartz was an amazing person to meet and made the whole 8 weeks amazing. I had a lot of fun and hope to return one day Jared Hinson St Michael's College of Vermont _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ During the program, a friend from college asked me about my summer plans. I told him that I was doing research at Johns Hopkins. His response was, "Dude, that's amazing! How did you get the opportunity!?" Our interview coordinator, worked relentlessly to ensure our satisfaction with our internship. Every week she would check in and inquire about my needs and if they were being met. She genuinely wanted me to be happy. I was. As a premed student, ironically, I found that it was quite difficult to receive quality exposure to medicine. At Hopkins, the Jewish doctor who helped provide me with the internship opportunity, insisted that I go on my first hospital round together with him and several other medical students and residents. That experience rekindled my passion for medicine. Taking turns to rigorously analyze patient cases together in the team room felt like a scene from the TV show "House". Visiting patients to provide comfort and explain their care plan showed me what it really meant to be a doctor, and it was beautiful. Dan Sofer University of Miami _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unparalleled in terms of blending professional experience with spiritual growth. Jacob Covas Florida International University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jinternship is a fantastic experience, consisting of top-notch internships, in addition to in-depth Jewish learning located in the most welcoming communities you'll meet. Good for the resume and the soul. Phil Massey Pennsylvania State University _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The past few weeks have turned out to quite memorable experience for me. I feel that I have grown by belief and knowledge in Judaism being a part of this program this summer. For me personally the Jewish community here in Baltimore is a close community. I would highly recommend anyone who gets an opportunity to apply for this program and it could surely change the way you look at life, the way you think in terms of being Jewish and best internships in the city which you cannot compare with. The bonding with the people on the trip is surely an icing on the cake you can say as that makes your summer memorable and a bag pack full of amazing experience to return back. Doron Samuel Pace University |